The Onam celebration was a vibrant tapestry of culture and tradition. The campus bloomed with floral decorations, and students adorned in traditional attire added to the festive charm. The aroma of mouth-watering Onam delicacies filled the air, setting the stage for a grand feast.

Amidst laughter and chatter, students showcased their talents through classical dance performances, captivating the audience with their grace and skill. The rhythmic beats of traditional music reverberated through the amphitheater, adding to the festive ambiance. It was a celebration that showcased the rich cultural heritage of Kerala.

The Pookalam competition brought out the creativity of the students, with intricate floral designs adorning every corner of the campus. It was a visual spectacle that captured the essence of Onam's spirit of abundance and prosperity.


Were filled with gratitude for the memorable celebration that had brought the school community closer together. The event served as a reminder of the importance of embracing diversity and fostering inclusivity within the school environment. It was a day cherished by all, leaving an indelible mark in the hearts of everyone who participated

Onam celebration at Aadhithya School was a testament to the cultural richness and diversity thriving within the school community. From vibrant decorations to mesmerizing performances, every aspect of the celebration resonated with the spirit of Onam

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